Katelyn Brown eats pizza, grapes, hamburgers,hotdogs (bad for her figure),icecream, crabs , shrimp, gumbo,etc.
Sidney Poitier has stated that his favorite food on which to pig out is fired oysters. He has been a health food enthusiast for several decades.
Brandon Flowers likes to eat Twinkies and likes to drink Redbull. (like me)
Both of them are married to women. Chris' wife is Tania and he has five children - two boys and three girls. Martin's wife is Laura and he has two son. However that does not necessarily mean they are straight.
Nick Jonas' favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and Christmas.He has two favorite holidays: 1.Christmas 2. Thanksgiving. The funny thing is that, Kevin's is: Christmas, and Joe's is: thanksgiving!
Chris Brown.
Pandas favorite thing to eat is bamboo they eat a lot of it
they love to eat insects
oh well, he likes to eat food and drink drinks!
Niall's favourite thing to do is to play the guitar :)
it is whine
We don't know specifically what Cleopatra's favorite thing to do was,but we know she loved to eat.