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The question that you have asked is extremely personal !

Please respect the the privacy of this celebrity's personal life and do not pry into matters of a private nature.

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16y ago
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8y ago

Chester Bennington is straight. He has been married to Talinda Ann Bentley since 2005.

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4y ago

I feel he is bisexual. Cause if he isn't married it's because a woman can't except his bisexuality. And that is a shame. He's talented and gorgeous.

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4y ago

It doesn't matter. He's very talented and good looking.

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Q: What is Chester Bennington's sexual orientation?
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I don't think Chazzy would want you to know that . For all you gullible people, his address is 123 Fake Street

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From research I found that he has two half-sisters (one is named Tobi) and a half-brother (older) named Brian.

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