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Q: What is Charlie Sheens favorite drug?
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What was Charlie Sheens favorite saying?

During his breakdown, he was most commonly quoted as saying "Winning!"

Who is Charlie Sheens mom?

Janet Templeton

What is Charlie Sheens email?


Who is martain sheen?

martain sheen is charlie sheens father

Who are charlie sheens sblings?

Charlie Sheen has three siblings: Emilio Estevez, Renee Estevez, Ramon Estevez.

What size are Charlie Sheens feet?

Actor Charlie Sheen wears a size 10 1/2 US men's shoe.

Who took over Charlie Sheens role on 2 and a half men?

That would be Ashton Kutcher

What are the names of Martin sheens childrens name?

charlie sheen, rene, emelio, ramon estavez

What was Charlie Sheens role in ferris beuler?

He was the guy at the police station that was there "for drugs." He and Jeannie made out a bit.

Who is Charlie Sheens fifth child?

Charlie's eldest daughter is Cassandra Jade Estevez, who he had with then girlfriend, Paula Profit. In October of 2010 Cassandra (25) married Casey Huffman.

When was Tim Sheens born?

Tim Sheens was born on 1950-10-30.

What materials are used to make vinyl records?

the souls of only the purest kittens, the eucalyptus leaves of the most potent trees, and a lock of charlie sheens hair