Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart.
Blanca Portillo was born on June 15, 1963.
5'10 & 1/2
Mandy Casa was born on November 2, 1980.
Blanca Vischer died on November 24, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Universidad Casa Blanca was created in 1990.
The motto of Universidad Casa Blanca is 'Casa abierta al pensamiento creativo'.
The area of Lake Casa Blanca is 6,798,718.789632 square meters.
The phone number of the Casa Blanca Branch Library is: 951-826-2120.
Casa Blanca
The address of the Casa Blanca Branch Library is: 2985 Madison St., Riverside, 92504 4480
Casa Blanca
Casa blanca
Casa blanca
Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart.
"Blanca/o" (White) . Ex: White flag - "Bandera blanca" "Negra/o" (Black). Ex: Black House - "Casa negra"