Caroline, Carolyn, Carrisa, Carrietta, Caren
Carrie can also be a name of it's own.
Her full name is Carrie Marie Underwood Fisher.
Carrie Cracknell was born in 1980.
William Katt played Carrie's date, Tommy Ross, in the 1976 movie Carrie.
Carrie Fisher was born on October 21, 1956
Carrie Fisher's mother is Debbie Reynolds
Have you seen Carrie Underwood in Americain Idol? What's new with Carrie Underwood? Carrie Underwood has a new hair! A nice and cute, short hair cut. Some say it's nice! Carrie Underwood's short hair is awesome! What can you say about Carrie Underwood's hair? Would you cut your hair like hers?
It's an English name. You can find many different meanings on the web, it's hard to know which one is correct. According to, Carrie means melody. Carrie is short for Carol or Caroline, which are feminine forms of Charles, meaning manly.
Carrie was an only child in the movie \"Carrie\".
Carrie Lisonbee's birth name is Carrie Lin Tippets.
The 1976 Carrie Movie Is Ubber Creepie But The 2002 Carrie Sucked Balls
Taylor Swift and Carrie are competing. I like Carrie better.
Carrie Turpin's birth name is Carrie LeMieux.
Carrie Cash's birth name is Carrie Rivers.
Carrie Savage's birth name is Carrie A. Savage.
Yes!!!! Carrie is awesome! She is my favorite singer and always will be! GO CARRIE!!!! :)
carrie i think carrie is better