Bob Kuban
Arista Hawkes's birth name is Aristazabal Emi Chen Hawkes.
Chesney Hawkes is 5' 11".
Jacquetta Hawkes's birth name is Jacquetta Hopkins.
Len "Chip" Hawkes was born November 2, 1945.
Chesney Hawkes was born on September 22, 1971.
W. Douglas Hawkes was born on September 11, 1893.
Robert James Lee Hawke.
Bob Hawke was the 23rtd Prime Minister of Australia. He was a strong leader and an aggressive political figure.
His biography is a stupis idiotic wierd thing its all lies
Bob Kuban
The cast of The Gnawed Couple - 2010 includes: Trevor Hawkes as Bob Zombie
Chip Hawkes's birth name is Leonard Donald Hawkes.
Johnny Hawkes's birth name is John Douglas Hawkes.
Len Hawkes's birth name is Leonard Donald Hawkes.
His birthday July 14,1986 .