Barry Zito's birth name is Barry William Zito.
No, Barry Manilow is not married.
Barry Tuckwell is not dead
Barry Brandt is 6'.
She passed away on July 22, 2008 - three days before her 85th birthday.
Barry Stock's birthday is on the 24th of April.
Barry's Birthday - 2010 was released on: USA: 31 August 2010 (limited)
Barry Sadler was born on November 1, 1940.
Barry Gibb was born on September 1, 1946.
Dave Barry was born on July 3, 1947.
Barry Windham was born on July 4, 1960.
Gene Barry was born on June 14, 1919.
Barry Burman was born on June 14, 1943.
Barry Took was born on June 19, 1928.
Barry Manilow was born on June 17, 1943.
Barry Goldwater was born on January 2, 1909.
Lynda Barry was born on January 2, 1956.