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Chinese food

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Allan Heller

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3y ago
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Q: What is Ashley greene favorite food?
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What is Ashley Greene's favorite movie?

Her favorite movie is Breakfeast at Tiffany's.

What is Ashley Greene's favorite movie?

Her favorite movie is Breakfeast at Tiffany's.

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Ashley Greene

What is Ashley greene's favortie sport?

Ashley Greene has not publicly disclosed her favorite sport.

What is Ashley Greene's favorite role?

Her fav role is in the twilight movie

What is Ashley Greene's favorite book?

Her favorite book is the Great Gastby. Ashley's favorite book is the collection of the A-List, by Zoe Dean. For complete list, click on below link

What is Ashley Greene's occupation?

Ashley Greene is a/an Actress

Who is Ashley Greene's grandfather?

Ashley Greene's parents are Joe and Michele Greene.

What is Ashley Greene's full name?

Ashley Michele Greene

What is Ashley Greene's full name?

Ashley Michele Greene