The Amanda Show - 1999 Talent Contest was released on: USA: December 1999
The Amanda Show - 1999 The Restaurant Singer - 1.11 was released on: USA: December 1999
Amanda Phillipps
Vanessa first dated Zac, then they broke up so she began dating Drake, then when they ended, she went back to Zac
There wasn't a Harry Potter sketch on the Amanda Show. However, on the show "All That", (which Amanda Bynes was also part of) there was a reoccurring sketch in seasons 7 and 8 called "Harry Bladder" which was spoofing Harry Potter.
Amanda Bynes was thirteen when The Amanda Show premiered.
Amanda Bynes was the main actress who starred in the Amanda Show:)
Amanda off the Amanda Show is portrayed by Amanda Bynes.See the Related Links below for more information on Amanda Bynes.
Amanda Bynes
The duration of The Amanda Show is 1380.0 seconds.
Amanda Bynes
TeenNick often shows reruns of the Amanda Show. You can also catch the Amanda Show when Nickelodeon airs The 90s Are All That.
His name is Vincent.
She starred in the shows "All That" and "The Amanda Show" on Nickelodeon.
Amanda show first aired on November 6, 1999