Alice's name before she became a vampire was Mary Alice Brandon. Later,when she joined Jasper and the Cullen family she became Alice Cullen.
Actually, her name was Mary Alice Brandon. When she and Jasper joined to Cullen family, Alice became:Mary Alice Brandon Cullen.-HRL
We are never told Alice's full name in the original books or in the 1951 Disney movie, but she was inspired by a real person whose name was Alice Pleasance Liddell (May 4, 1852--November 6, 1934).
In Tim Burton's 2010 movie, her name is Alice Kingsleigh and she is played by Mia Wasikowska.
Her name is Alice Abernathy.
the volturi members are Aro, Marcus and caius
Her name is Alice. I don't remember her last name.
Her last name is Chapman now, but it was Smith. Her full name is Alice Elizabeth Smith Chapman, but she just goes by Beth Chapman.
Her given name was Mary Alice Brandon. She married Jasper (last name Whitlock) and became Mary Alice Brandon Whitlock. Then she became a Cullen.From twilight saga. Jasper is also from twilight. watch the twilight movies to see Alice. I think but Alice is a name from twilight.But you can search Google from that answer.I'm a twilight but I don't know the answer the this qusetion.If you are a twilight fan then answer it?For the real answer. I'm a twilight fan- Huge Taylor Swift Fan or call me-Huge Twilight Saga Fan.
Mary Alice Brandon (Answer from
Edward, Emmett, and Alice all have the last name of Cullen. Jasper and Rosalie have the last name of Hale.
Bella's real name is Kristen Stewart edward's name is Robert pattinson Emmett''s name is kellan lutz Jacob black's name is Taylor lautner and Alice's name is Ashley green
The last name of the fiance in "Alice in Wonderland" is Kingsleigh. His full name is Hamish Ascot Kingsleigh.
Alice's full name is Mary Alice (Brandon) Cullen. She just chooses to go by Alice and Brandon was her human last name.
Her name is Alice Abernathy.
Mary Alice Brandon
Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen.
Alice's full name is Mary Alice (Brandon) Cullen. She just chooses to go by Alice and Brandon was her human last name.
His name is Cam Gigandet
his name is BooBoo Stewert