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she loves raccoon blood their mean but she loves them

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It is some type of deer or elk.

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Q: What is Alice Cullen's favorite animal?
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it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice

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Edward's favorite person among the Cullens is his wife, Bella.

What year did Alice and Jasper join the Cullens?

Alice and Jasper joined the Cullens in 1950.

Alice Cullens real name?

Mary Alice Brandon Cullen.

What was Mary Alice Brandon cullens fullname before she was adopted to the cullens?

Mary Alice Brandon idiot!!!! You said it in the freaking question!!!!!!!!! Get an IQ

What is Edwards favourtie person out of the cullens?

Edwards favorite person is Alice. he always states that there close and have a deep bond while Emmett is his favorite brother. they all are reasonibly close as a family.

What is Alice Cullens favoriete color?

pink :)

Did Alice and Jasper get married before or after they met the Cullens?

Alice found jasper (because of her special gift of visions/second sight) and they both went to the Cullens together because Alice had seen it them go in one of her visions. Your right but, Eward were the first teenager who joined the cullens

What Alice cullens name?

Er... one would assume that Alice Cullen's name is ... Alice Cullen?

What is Alice's favorite animal?

she loves raccoon blood their mean but she loves them

What is Alice cullens human sister's name?

Alice's sister's name is Cynthia Brandon

Of the Cullens, who knew that they would be friends with Bella?
