Aside from standard rock instrumentation, a theremin is used to create the electronic, sliding tones and a vocal sampling device is used to create and loop vocal effects.
The most obvious one is the electric guitar, especially Paul's epic solo. Other instruments used were bass, drums, tambourine and cowbells.
what instruments are used in dont you worry child
There are many instruments that are used in jazz instrumental music. Some examples of instruments include the saxophone, the trumpet, the piano, and the guitar.
The main instruments used in the song A Little Less Conversation are the guitar, drums, piano and of course, voices. There are also other small instruments used in the backround.
In One Love by Bob Marley, the instruments played are the steel drums and voice (the singer)
There has been only one instrument has been used in love lockdown and the name of the system is drums. Yes, drums is the one and only instrument used in lovelockdown.
Glockenspiel :)
One of the instruments is the Pipa.
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As Tasmania is one of Australia's states, the instruments used there will be the same as the instruments used throughout Australia. there is a great variety of westernised instruments, as well as instruments from other cultures.
"Love you Do" is not a Beatles song, but you may be referring to "Love Me Do," or "Love You To." Love Me Do instruments - Harmonica, bass, acoustic guitar, tambourine and drums. Love You To instruments - Acoustic guitar, fuzz electric guitar, bass, sitar, tambourine, tabla and tambura.
Guitar and Drums are both used.
tamborine violen drums
pop bands and Artist