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dont forget Flute

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Q: What instruments are playing sideways?
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Related questions

What instrument is held sideways when playing?

Flutes and piccolos are held sideways.

Why do cats walk sideways when playing?

Cats walk sideways when playing because it allows them to maintain a better balance and control during quick movements and sudden changes in direction. This sideways movement also helps them to stay agile and ready to pounce on their prey or playmates.

Why do cats run sideways when playing?

Cats run sideways when playing because it allows them to change direction quickly and maintain balance while engaging in playful behavior. This sideways movement also helps them mimic hunting behaviors and can be a way for them to show excitement and agility during playtime.

What do you call a group of people playing instruments?

An Ensemble This actually depends upon how many people you have, and what kind of instruments they are playing. A large group playing traditional European instruments is called an orchestra. A smaller group playing traditional European instruments is called an ensemble. A group playing more modern music is called a band.

Did Amelia Earhart play instruments?

Amelia was not known for playing any instruments

What is the simple subject in the sentence playing musical instruments for an audience is exciting?


When did drake start playing instruments?


What instruments is Alison Krauss known for playing?

She is known for playing the fiddle.

When did Wolfgang Amedeus start playing instruments?

at age 4 his father taught him some instruments

Is melodies always played with percussion instruments?

Percussion instruments are instruments such as the drums. The guitar can be used for percussion although it is a string instrument. No, percussion instruments are not used for playing the melody.

What is Justin Bieber famous for?

Singing and playing instruments

What is A number of instruments playing together?

An orchestra or a band.