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  • Drums
  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Harmony Vocals
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Q: What instruments are in Michael Jackson billie jean?
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Is it true billie Jean was obsessed with Michael Jackson?

Billie Jean was a girl, who stalked Michael Jackson. Her real name wasn't actually Billie Jean, she gave herself the name Billie Jean Jackson because she was obsessed with Michael. She was also believed to be delusional and thought she was Michael's wife. Billie Jean also tried to sue Michael Jackson for one billion dollars and claim that "Blanket Jackson", Michael Jackson's son was hers. Blanket Jackson's real mother was "Debbie Rowe", Michael Jackson's second wife.

Was Billie Jean Michael Jackson's lover?

No, Billie Jean doesn't exist.

Who was the person that Michael Jackson wrote billie jean to?

It was written by Michael Jackson and produced by Quincey Jones.

What was Michael Jackson's breakthrough song?

billie jean

When did Michael Jackson make billie jean?


Who sang billie jean and beat it?

Michael Jackson

Who did the moonwalk during Billie Jean?

Michael Jackson

Did Michael Jackson and Billie Jean have a child together?

No, there isn't an actual Billie Jean, which means there is no baby.

How did Michael Jackson integrate MTV?

With The Billie Jean song

When did Michael Jackson first perform billie jean live?

Michael Jackson's first live preformance of Billie Jean was on May 16, 1983 at the Motown 25 television special.

What year Michael Jackson made billie jean?


What song of Michael Jackson can you bring something that can dance to?

Billie Jean