Secretary of Defence ( note British spelling) Dame Elizabeth Taylor- 8 Marital campaign ribbons, easily outranking ( Admiral) Gabor with six solid. are you for real, she could not possibly be a Lesbian, though it has been rumored she may have been sterile- and her Children were adopted.
Lesbian? NO. Bisexual? YES!
of course...
Taylor Gatlin has had sex with four girls and no guys
There won't
no.holland Taylor is strait.But she was never married.see at I don't know where this poster gets his/her info from, but I can find no definitive info rgarding Ms. Taylor's sexuality.
I highly doubt that since she is dating Conor Kennedy. Also she isn't lesbian or bisexual.
She is not a lesbian, she is bisexual, she likes men and women. She doesnt like women in a romantic connective way, just a sexual way. She has a boyfriend at the moment and his name is Taylor Kinney this proves she isnt lesbian. and for why...there is never a definant reason for being gay/bisexual/ are born different, i know because i'm bisexual and i have alot of gay/bi/lesbian friends.
If you are a lesbian, nothing can make you "not a lesbian."
no. miley hasn't /or will ¬gone/go-out¬ with Taylor swift. Why? shes not a lesbian? Please improve this question by doing this **_______________** and writting why you asked this question because this question is weirdly well. Wierd!!
Then your a Lesbian?
No she is not a lesbian
No she is not a lesbian.