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He becomes headmaster after Dumbledore dies, and hires Death Eaters as professors. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he is the owner of the Elder Wand, and is killed by Lord Voldemort, in order to gain ownership of the Elder Wand. Severus Snape was not evil. He worked for Dumbledore, as a spy, and gained the trust of the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort, without them realizing he was against them. Dumbledore asked Snape to kill him so Draco did not have to, so Draco's soul could remain whole. Snape also helps a cursed Dumbledore, by encasing the curse to his right hand.

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Neville took Professor Sprout's post and we do not know what happened to her but presume she retired.

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What happens to Professor Sprout if Neville Longbottom takes her post in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

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