the trolls capture all the dwarves but not Bilbo b/c he his smaller so he hides
then the trolls argue about what to do w/ the dwarves and how to eat them
then gandalf (who had left them a while ago) comes back and imitates the troll to keep them arguing until morning and they get turned to stone
Bilbo told Smaug a riddle to keep him distracted.
Gandalf's presence with the group camped around the dwarven stronghold delighted Bilbo.gandalf
Val Meets... The VIPS was created in 1973.
Boy Meets Boy - musical - was created in 1975.
He meets most of them in the 1st one. He meets team gai in episode 10 and team 8 in epiosde 34 or 35
Bilbo meets Gandalf and the Dwarves and hears of their quest. There is conversation over a fine meal and Bilbo almost thinks he wants to go. By the end of the chapter though he is not so sure.
Bilbo told Smaug a riddle to keep him distracted.
Because Gandalf would never have let the dwarves convince Bilbo to go out scouting alone.
Gandalf made the comment to Bilbo. He said something about there being more than meets the eye about Bilbo. He also said it to Frodo. Both times it was after they escaped from the Misty mountains.
Goblins are mentioned throughout the Hobbit. Most of it can be found in Chapter 4. They are mean and dangerous. They come in many sizes. They are quite good at mining and very good at creating infernal machines and instruments of torture. And they eat ponies.
He walks by his home one morning. Bilbo was out sitting and reading his letters and smoking a pipe. Gandalf introduced himself and they had a chat. Bilbo was very uncomfortable and scurried off, but invited the wizard to tea.
CHAPTER 5Problem: Bilbo must play a game with Gollum in order to get out of the mountain.Solved it: he wins the riddle game, guesses the ring's power, and makes it out of the mountain safely.Basically, he wakes up, finds a ring in the passageway, meets Gollum and makes a riddle game with Gollum. If Gollum loses, he has to lead Bilbo out. Otherwise, Bilbo gets eaten. Bilbo obviously wins, gets lead out, and finds out the ring's powers (put it on, and you turn invisible).
Gandalf thinks there's more to Bilbo than meets the eye, that he can do more than he thinks he can do.
Because Gandalf "Needed someone to share in on an adventure!" is one option Because Gandalf knew Bilbo was a descendent from "The Old Took" and Gandalf knew that "there is more to this hobbit that meets the eye" so Gandalf knew his potential and Hobbits suprise you and you need a hobbits cunning and bravery to help you
Hobbits, at first glance, don't appear to be very capable/strong because of their lack of size. However, as Frodo, Bilbo, Sam, etc prove, you can't merely judge hobbits based on their size because they are actually extremely able people that can surprise you. All true, but it was a specific statement. Gandalf said it of both Bilbo and Frodo. After Bilbo was able to escape the orcs and Gollum and after Frodo was skewered in Moria. Both times Gandalf had a suspicion they were keeping secrets, but he left it up to them to explain.
There is this band of Dwarfs who's treasure has been stolen by a dragon called Smaug and Gandalf the wizard drags Bilbo Baggins (a hobbit) into going with them to get the dwarf's treasure back with many adventures along the way.The Hobbit is a predecessor to the the well known Lord of the Rings trilogy.The story follows Bilbo Baggins, a rather plump hobbit, as he finds himself unwittingly drawn into an adventure by the wizard, Gandalf. Along with thirteen dwarves, he finds himself bound for Lonely Mountain, where a dragon named Smaug hordes stolen treasure. But the road is wrought with danger.A hobbit of the peaceful land of the Shire, is recruited by a wizard and 13 dwarves to help them retake their mountain Erebor from the clutches of an evil dragon. To journey there they face grave perils as they encounter Goblins and wolves and magic forest, giant spiders and elves. Using magic and quick thinking, with the help of giant eagles and man who can turn into a bear, they manage to complete their quest, only to realize that there are more important things in life.Gandalf tricks Bilbo into hosting a party for Thorin and his band of dwarves, who sing of reclaiming the Lonely Mountain and its vast treasure from the dragon Smaug. When the music ends, Gandalf unveils a map showing a secret door into the Mountain and proposes that the dumbfounded Bilbo serve as the expedition's "burglar". The dwarves ridicule the idea, but Bilbo, indignant, joins despite himself.The group travel into the wild, where Gandalf saves the company from trolls and leads them to Rivendell, where Elrond reveals more secrets from the map. Passing over the Misty Mountains, they are caught by goblins and driven deep underground. Although Gandalf rescues them, Bilbo gets separated from the others as they flee the goblins. Lost in the goblin tunnels, he stumbles across a mysterious ring and then encounters Gollum, who engages him in a game of riddles. As a reward for solving all riddles Gollum will show him the path out of the tunnels, but if Bilbo fails, his life will be forfeit. With the help of the ring, which confers invisibility, Bilbo escapes and rejoins the dwarves, improving his reputation with them. The goblins andWargs give chase but the company are saved by eagles before resting in the house of Beorn.The company enter the black forest of Mirkwood without Gandalf. In Mirkwood, Bilbo first saves the dwarves from giant spiders and then from the dungeons of the Wood-elves. Nearing the Lonely Mountain, the travellers are welcomed by the human inhabitants of Lake-town, who hope the dwarves will fulfil prophecies of Smaug's demise. The expedition travel to the Lonely Mountain and find the secret door; Bilbo scouts the dragon's lair, stealing a great cup and learning of a weakness in Smaug's armour. The enraged dragon, deducing that Lake-town has aided the intruder, sets out to destroy the town. A noble thrush who overheard Bilbo's report of Smaug's vulnerability reports it to Bard, who slays the dragon.When the dwarves take possession of the mountain, Bilbo finds the Arkenstone, an heirloom of Thorin's dynasty, and steals it. The Wood-elves and Lake-men besiege the mountain and request compensation for their aid, reparations for Lake-town's destruction, and settlement of old claims on the treasure. Thorin refuses and, having summoned his kin from the mountains of the North, reinforces his position. Bilbo tries to ransom the Arkenstone to head off a war, but Thorin is intransigent. He banishes Bilbo, and battle seems inevitable.Gandalf reappears to warn all of an approaching army of goblins and Wargs. The dwarves, men, and elves band together, but only with the timely arrival of the eagles and Beorn do they win the climactic Battle of Five Armies. Thorin is fatally wounded and reconciles with Bilbo before he dies. Bilbo accepts only a small portion of his share of the treasure, having no want or need for more, but still returns home a very wealthy hobbit.
A simplified list of main events:Gandalf approaches Bilbo, and he marks Bilbo's door.Dwarves show up at Bilbo's house and convince him to journey with them.Bilbo finds the ring and meets GollumThe group goes to Rivendell, and they find clues on the mapThey are captured by elves and escape down the river.Everyone ends up in Lake-town and they meet Bard.They enter the mountainBilbo confronts Smaug and finds the ArchenstoneSmaug attacks Lake-town and is killed by Bard.There is a major battle. Many groups are involved.Thorin is killed. Dain becomes King Under the Mountain.Bilbo and Gandalf journey back home.