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If you look young they might card you, if not you'll get in.

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Q: What happens if you are 17 and you go to see an R rated movie and you have no ID?
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What are you legal to do at 17?

You can go see a rated- R movie

How old do you have to be to see a r rated movie in sc?


Is an r rating an eighteen?

You must be 17 to see an R-Rated movie unaccompanied. However, anyone can see an R-Rated movie if accompanied by an adult.

Can a 17 year old go see a rated R movie at AMC theaters When I looked at the ratings it said under 17 cannot see a rated R movie without being accompanied with a parent or guardian. I need help.?

If you are under 17, then you need an adult to watch a rated R movie in the theatres.

Can a 17 year old get into the movie theaters alone to see a rated R movie in Lawndale?

Yes, 17 is the rule nationwide.

Are people under 15 allowed to watch R movies?

You can see R-rated movies if you're under 17; you just have to have someone 17 or older with you, to buy the ticket and see the movie with you.NC-17 is the strongest rating in the United States; you cannot see an NC-17-rated movie if you are 17 or under, no matter who is with you.

What can i do now that I'm 17?

Go see an R rated movie without a parent

How old do you have to be to see a rated R movie in Georgia?

In all 50 states, you have to be 17 to see an R rated movie, unless an adult buys your ticket and sees the film with you.

How old do you have to be to see an R rated movie in Idaho?

17 unless your parent or guardian sees it with you.

How old do you have to be to see a r rated movie in Pennsylvania?

17 unless a parent or guardian attends with you.

How old do you have to be to see an r rated movie in Pennsylvania?

17 without a parent or legal guardian.

Can you go and watch a fifteen rated film if you are 12 if you are with your parents?

yes, you can see any movie that is not rated NC-17 with a parent