NBC dropped it because of poor ratings, but CTV is still airing it on thurdsay nights.
"The show is fake and they are actors. Nothing happened to Lou." The show is reenactments of what really happened. They are real repossessors and Lou did get attacked. They later documented it for the show.
they cut him off the show.
I don't know, but I thought she was a cutie on the bonnie show :-)
it's not what happened to the stars of the show but what happened to the show...the show was cancelled due to low ratings after the good stuff was just not going on correct me if i am wrong but it had to do with a change of directors... now Teresa, Luis, and Ethan star in days of our lives playing the same roles as before Teresa and Luis siblings and Ethan Teresa's love interest once more... =)
Montgomery, NY.
By asking a person to talk about his or her racial background
Show acknowledgment or appreciation for what is being said.
Show acknowledgement or appreciation for what is being said
Show acknowledgement or appreciation for what is being said
An active listener is generally considered to be the most effective type of listener as they fully engage with the speaker, show genuine interest, provide feedback, and ask clarifying questions. This type of listening promotes better communication, understanding, and relationship-building.
This is a very vague question. If a listener calls in to a radio show, for example, they may very well not give their real name. This is done to maintain privacy.
Active listening occurs when a listener tries to understand the speaker. This involves focusing on the speaker's words, nonverbal cues, and emotions to show empathy and comprehension. It requires full engagement and attention from the listener.
The listener plays a crucial role in oral communication by actively engaging with the speaker, demonstrating understanding through feedback such as nodding or asking questions, and providing a supportive environment for effective communication to take place. A listener's ability to pay attention, show empathy, and respond appropriately can greatly enhance the exchange of information and promote understanding between the speaker and listener.
listener = ascultător
but is java listener
The plural of listener is listeners.
A bad listener might interrupt frequently, show disinterest or impatience, fail to provide appropriate feedback, or be easily distracted. They may not fully engage with the speaker or understand their perspective, which can lead to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns.