they cancelled it because they didnt think too many kids didnt watch it same with kenan and kel
peter hannan
"The show is fake and they are actors. Nothing happened to Lou." The show is reenactments of what really happened. They are real repossessors and Lou did get attacked. They later documented it for the show.
they cut him off the show.
I don't know, but I thought she was a cutie on the bonnie show :-)
it's not what happened to the stars of the show but what happened to the show...the show was cancelled due to low ratings after the good stuff was just not going on correct me if i am wrong but it had to do with a change of directors... now Teresa, Luis, and Ethan star in days of our lives playing the same roles as before Teresa and Luis siblings and Ethan Teresa's love interest once more... =)
Of Course CatDog is a good show for all ages. CatDog is a family friendly show.
CatDog is another amazing show that used to be on Nickelodeon. CatDog is one of Nickelodeon's best cartoons.
You can watch episodes of the show CatDog on youtube.
Yes it is a magnificent show.
Yeah its a kid friendly show
Yes, CatDog is a classic Nickelodeon show.
It's a real show.
This question is answered according to your opinion. Many who have watched CatDog as a child do favour it as an "awesome" show. Though individuals opinion vary; if you were to watch CatDog as an adult you may think it is immature; but it is up to the individuals' choice and preferrence.
Yes, it's an aweosme show.
Yes, it's an awesome show.