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After Simon had freed the tangled parachute lines from the rocks the body of the parachutist was eventually moved by the strong wind during the storm and was carried over the jungle, across the beach and the lagoon and finally out to sea. Simon's body was lifted from the beach by the incoming tide and it too eventually drifted out towards the open sea, accompanied by 'inquisitive bright creatures.'

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15y ago
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15y ago

After Simon had recovered from his epileptic fit he made his way to the top of the mountain to find out what it was that Samneric had mistaken for 'the beast.' He discovered the dead body of the airman and untangled the parachute lines from the rocks which had caused the body to move when the wind blew. Later the strong storm winds filled the parachute and lifted the body clear of the mountain top. The body drifted down over the jungle, across the beach and the lagoon and out to sea. The dancing boys who had killed Simon, mistaking him for the beast, glimpsed the dead parachutist as he drifted over the beach and ran into the jungle screaming in fright, presumably thinking that it was another beast.

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15y ago

Simon disentangles the parachute lines from the rocks on the mountain top and the wind carries him away, across the lagoon and out to sea.

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15y ago

Simon's body is lifted from the sand by the incoming tide and slowly difts out towards the open sea accompanied by 'inquisitive bright creatures.'

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14y ago

The parachutist is blown by the wind into a river that carries him out to sea. This happens at the same time that Simon dies and goes into water to be carried out to sea.

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13y ago

The dead parachutist was washed into the sea just after Simon died so that the boys never discovered the true identity of what they thought was the beast.

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Q: What happened to the parachutist in Lord of the Flies?
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What happened to the parachutist after the storm in lord of the flies?

i don't know i am sorry

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What bowed and sank and bowed again in Lord of the Flies?

What they saw was the parachutist

Why does the author in lord of the flies have the parachutist pulled out to sea?

yup he sure does

What is the beast in lord of the files?

the beast in lord of the flies is parachutist who got entangled in the tree branches

What does the wind carry to the top of the mountain Lord of the files?

In "Lord of the Flies," the wind carries a dead parachutist to the top of the mountain. This event triggers fear and paranoia among the boys as they mistake the parachutist for a beast.

What is the beast that sammneric sees in lord of the flies?

The "beast" that Samneric see in "Lord of the Flies" is actually a dead parachutist whose body gets tangled in the trees and moves with the wind, creating the illusion of a monster. The boys mistake the parachutist for a frightening beast and report it as such to the rest of the group.

In reality what or who was the Lord of the Flies?

They thought the beast was the thing that fell from the sky referring to the parachutist who was dead when landed on the top of the mountain.

In Lord of The Flies what does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside?

Simon places a hand over the face of the figure on the mountainside, realizing that it is actually the dead parachutist._he realizes that the figure is not a beast, but a casualty of war.

In lord of the flies ch 9 what does Simon do to the figure on the mountainside?

In Lord of the Flies Chapter 9, Simon discovers that the figure on the mountainside is the dead parachutist. He frees the parachutist's lines from the rocks to allow the body to be taken away by the tide. Simon is the only one who realizes the true identity of the figure and tries to convey this information to the other boys, but tragically, he is misunderstood and killed by the other boys during a frenzied dance.

What happens to the parachutist in the Lord of the Flies?

He was dead when he landed. The boys thought he was moving because his parachute was caught in the trees and when the wind blew, he would sway.

What does Simon do on top of the mountain in lord of the flies?

He climbs the mountain after an epileptic seizure to seek the truth. He does finds out that the 'beast' is actually just a dead parachutist.