

Best Answer

I dont know I was looking for it 2 seconds ago its no fair

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Q: What happened to shidonni one of a kind?
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What is on shidonni?

In shidonni your drawings come to life! Become a shidonni pro and get eye drawing, stamps and brushes, shidonni car for all shidonni pets of yours and wardrobe FOR ALL PETS. Use one of a kind and make your pet be a real life toy for only 80$!

Who has shidonni?

I have one! My username is aishaalia789. ADD ME!!

Do you have to pay on shidonni?

Yes, only if you want to be a Shidonni Pro - otherwise, No, you do not have to pay.

Can you play Shidonni without installing Microsoft Silverlight?

I am afraid you have to install Microsoft Silverlight to play Shidonni.

Is shidonni safe?


How do you get a book on shidonni?

All you do is play loads of games, and one day the book option will be there

How do you make a car on Shidonni?

out of sticks and dung

Are there any games like shidonni?

What does shidonni mean?

It means nothing - but it can be pronounced by everyone

What is the game called where you draw animals online?

It is called Shidonni