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The professor Moody impostor got kissed by a dementor in book 4. The real Alastor Moody got killed in book 7.

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Q: What happened to professor moody?
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CorrectAt the Yule Ball who was Professor Moody dancing with?

In the book, Professor Moody danced with Professor Sinistra. However in the film adaptation, he was not shown to be dancing with anyone.

When was Professor Moody captured?

Professor "Madeye" Moody was captured during the Goblet of Fire and was taken by Bartemus Crouch Jr. so that he could impersonate Moody and get Potter to Voldemort in the cemetery.

Which Hogwarts professor was an Auror?

Professor Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody was an Auror.

Who is the professor with the false eye in Harry Potter?

Alastor Moody also known as Mad Eye Moody hope this helps :D

What is the name of the Death Eater who impersonated Professor Moody?

Barty Crouch jr.

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What happened to Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody?

He was murdered.

What is the years of all the professors in Harry Potter?

Professor Quill-1st Professor Lockhart-2nd Professor Remus Lupin-3rd Professor Mad Eye Moody-4th Professor Delores Umbridge-5th Professor Severus Snape-6th none-7th

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We don't know if he likes her or not. Let's suppose he does.

Who were Harry Potter's Defense against thedark arts professors?

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Who does Professor Moody dance with at the Yule Ball?

In the film he is seen sat on his own and drinking out of his flask. However, in the book, on page 365, Moody passes Harry whilst they are dancing and comments on Harry's new socks, given to him for Christmas by Dobby. Harry is dancing with Parvati Patil and Moody with Professor Sinistra, who is said to be "nervously avoiding his wooden leg".

Who is actually professor moody in the fourth book of Harry Potter?

Barty Crouch junior, a Death-Eater.