He was replaced by a machine. When you go see the Duprees today there is a stool with a little machine placed on top. It sings to you. And, although the machine was made in China, there is an Italian flair to the design. Just amazing . . . Doowop lives forever.
is tommy petillo of the duprees married, yes or no
Tommy Petillo. He has been since 2002.
The Duprees change singers more times than you change your underwear.
50years old
Johnny Petillo's birth name is John Patrick Petillo.
is tommy petillo of the duprees married, yes or no
Tommy Petillo. He has been since 2002.
I just saw him performing as their lead vocalist last night at the Villages down here in Florida. I think he's been with them since 2002 or something.
Tommy DeVito was married to his first wife, Angela DeVito. Their marriage ended in divorce.
The Duprees change singers more times than you change your underwear.
50years old
Kelly Petillo was born in 1903.
Brian Petillo is 5' 7".
Phil Petillo was born in 1945.
Phil Petillo died in 2010.
Johnny Petillo's birth name is John Patrick Petillo.
Oh, what a wonderful question! But you know, Bob Ross doesn't paint with numbers or talk about net worth. Instead, let's focus on the beautiful landscapes and happy little trees that bring us joy. Just remember, the true wealth is found in the love and kindness we share with others.