after the motorcycle accident, Toby is found with a suicide note. we learn that he raped jenna, and that is what ali saw, causing her to set off the fireworks. he feels guilty, so tries to tell Emily, but Emily thinks that he is telling her he killed ali. Toby gets upset, so kills himselt
the accident was all spencer's fault and that she is scared of spencer
Jenna was blind, after the accident
The point of Pretty Little Liars was to figure out what happened to Ali and who the one torturing her was.
hasn't happened yet
Spoiler alert!! It's Ali's twin sister.
He gets in a motorcycle accident and dies in the books but in the series, he survived. :)
the accident was all spencer's fault and that she is scared of spencer
He was there the night of Jenna's accident and he did other things.......
Jenna was blind, after the accident
The point of Pretty Little Liars was to figure out what happened to Ali and who the one torturing her was.
Allison met Ian there.
She was just a character came in and then Out of the book.
the girls in pretty little liars do not die in the fire accident, but Jenna was in the house when the fire outburst in the house so Jenna got blind, but nobody died
Go to this website: Choose the episode that you want and you can read a full description of what happens in it
i think she goes to jail ?? dont count on it tho.......
she didnt die
hasn't happened yet