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He was appeared out near the beach and the other boys killed him. I find it hilarious because the quote makes it seem like they are ripping him apart and eating him.

"There wereno words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws."


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Q: What happened to Simon in Lord of the Flies in chapter 8?
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What happened to Simon In lord of the flies chapter 9?

I'm pretty sure that's the chapter where the boys mistake him for the "beastie" and they kill him.

What chapter does Simon meet the lord of the flies?

Simon meets the beast in chapter 8 on page 137.

Who dies in chapter 9 in lord of the flies?

Simon dies.

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The jungle

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How is Simon from lord of the flies?

Lord of the Flies in which chapter is Simon's place mentioned?

Simon's place is mentioned in Chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies." In this chapter, Simon finds a hidden area in the jungle, a peaceful and serene place where he goes to be alone and reflect. This spot becomes a symbol of Simon's connection to nature and his spiritual insight in the novel.

Who became the pig after the hunt In lord of the flies in chapter 8?

Simon becomes the "pig" during the hunt in Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies." The boys, caught up in their frenzy, mistake Simon for the beast and unknowingly contribute to his tragic death in their violent hysteria.

What page does Simon help Ralph build shelters?

Simon helps Ralph build shelters in Chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies."

What happens to Simon when he goes back into the woods in Lord of the Flies in chapter 8?

When Simon goes back into the woods in chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies, he encounters the "Lord of the Flies," which is a severed pig's head mounted on a stake. He has a hallucination where the head seems to be speaking to him, and in his delirious state, he realizes the evil within himself and the other boys.

What does this reveal about Simon's charter in chapter 3 In Lord if flies?

In Chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies," Simon's character is shown to be quiet, introspective, and compassionate. He shows concern for the littluns and tries to alleviate their fears by telling them that they will be rescued. Simon's actions reveal his empathy and sensitivity towards others, setting him apart from the other boys on the island.