Percy Weasley went to the battle of Hogwarts and made up with his family - moments before his brother was killed. Percy then fought in the battle.
After the battle, he married a woman named Audrey and they had two daughters named Molly and Lucy Weasley.
There is no Fred Buuer in Harry Potter. You may be thinking of Fred Weasley, twin brother of George Wealsey and older brother to Ron. Fred Weasley dies in the end of the seventh book. He died at age 20 by an explosion caused by death eater, Augustus Rookwood while fighting alongside his older brother Percy inside the Hogwarts castle.
Hermione Granger is the girl best friend of Harry, but he does get married to Ginny Weasly and she is his girlfriend at the end of the 6th book. He is also good firends with Luna Lovegood in 5th onwards. He dates Cho Chang in the 5th book and has a crush on her in the 4th P.S Nushi Rox
This series was cancelled by the publisher (naturally at a cliffhanger point). There are apparently no plans to ever finish the story.
Hermione Granger only really dated Ron Weasley, whom she later married and had two children with. However, she also went to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum (and kissed him) and attended Slughorn's Christmas party with Cormac McLaggen.
George Weasley's height is never mentioned. The actor who played him, Oliver Phelps, is 6'3. However, in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, he is described as "short and stocky," so that at the age of 13, his 11-year-old brother Ronald Weasley is about as tall as him.
No, sadly not. Percy's series has come to an end.
Ben Riddle is not a character in the Harry Potter series and Rose Weasley was still alive at the end of the series.
Percy sort-of goes evil, but he turns back to the good side in the end.
In the immediate family of Ron Weasley there is: Mr. Arthur Weasley Mrs. Molly Weasley Bill Charlie Percy Fred George Ron Ginny Eventually, they all end up marrying, thus bringing even more Weasleys into the family, but throughout most of the Harry Potter books, this is the family. Rons Middle Name Is Bilius, Fred And George Middle Names Have Never Been Mentioned, But They Are Believed To Be Fabian And Gideon (Like Molly's Younger Brothers) Bill's Middle Name Is Arthur, Ginerva's Middle Name Is Molly, Percy Ignatius Weasley. Those Are The Main Weasley Characters Whose Middle Names Are Mentioned. (This LAst Section Was Added By GredAndFeorgexXx )
At the end of the Harry Potter series Ron Weasly is alive and happily married with children.
They both survived and had three children.
Well he ended the first series. Who knows? Maybe he will make another one.
Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian is the conclusion of the Percy Jackson series, in which Percy decides the fate of the Olympian Gods. In the meantime, he is trying not to be killed by the evil Titan Lord, Kronos.
the 2010 Percy Jackson series is about Percy being lost and Annabeth looking for him. She and many others including Thalia there are new characters in the end one of the new characters knows where he is. i couldn't put it down hope this helps:)
Arthur Weasley was originally going to die in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because of Nagini. J.K Rowling couldn't bear to make him die, so she kept him alive.In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin die instead of him.
ummm what!? i read every book and theres no such event. his dad's poseidon and his mom is sally Jackson which are alive by the end of the final book.
There are clues at the end of the last book that there will be another series comming out but no name of or no clues of what or who it will be about.