Hadley Fraser is replaced by Patrick Levis to play Reed in the new season.
Mighty Music Band is a musical band that The Fresh Beat Band meets in Season 3. My guess is that they are a doppleganger version of The Fresh Beat Band. Not the look-alike type dopplegangers, but they are a band that is similar to The Fresh Beat Band such as personalities, outfits etc. My other guess is that Mighty Music Band members also have names simialr to The Fresh Beat Band. I believe that Mighty Music Band also has 4 band members just like The Fresh Beat Band.
My brother is in the fresh beat band and i sad to say it, they all don't have any boyfriends or girlfriends.
The Fresh Beat Band - 2009 Keeping It Green 3-19 was released on: USA: 2011
Shayna Rose
She got married
Dioni Michelle CollinsplayedMelody•Hadley FraserplayedReed•Jon BeaversplayedTwist•Shayna RoseplayedMarina•Thomas HobsonplayedShout•Yvette Gonzalez-NacerplayedKiki
Simon Fraser University Pipe Band was created in 1966.
she got married. her name was shayna rose
Marina was replaced because she got married
The formal MArina is getting married and pursuing other careers.
Dioni Michelle Collins - Melody (the girl who works at the Groovy Smoothy)is 29 Hadley Fraser - Reed (the guy who works at the music store) is 30 Jon Beavers - Twist (the tallest fresh beat who does the turn tables)is 26 Shayna Rose - Marina (the girl that plays drums)is 25 Thomas Hobson - Shout (the guy who plays the keyboard)is 25Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer - Kiki (the girl on guitar)is 25
Mighty Music Band is a musical band that The Fresh Beat Band meets in Season 3. My guess is that they are a doppleganger version of The Fresh Beat Band. Not the look-alike type dopplegangers, but they are a band that is similar to The Fresh Beat Band such as personalities, outfits etc. My other guess is that Mighty Music Band members also have names simialr to The Fresh Beat Band. I believe that Mighty Music Band also has 4 band members just like The Fresh Beat Band.
the fresh beat band is bad
Brooke Fraser quit singing in the Hillsong band to go home to be with her family. She took some time off and then went to singing solo after her break.
The Fresh Beat Band was created on 2012-01-31.