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Cain moved away married and had many children. I think the place he moved to was called the land of Nod? Non Canonical Books say that Cain was accidentally killed in a hunting accident. The Flood probably killed all of Cain's Decendents unless any of the three women Noah chose as wives for His Sons Shem, Ham and Japeth Were descendants of Cain but I doubt it. The Bible just says that "Noah chose three women to be wives for his three sons" Abel, I hope is asleep waiting to be resurrected. Seth is in the Geneology of Jesus. I believe that the book of Luke traces Jesus' genealogy back through Seth to Adam. So Seth had children.

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Paxton Brown

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Q: What happened to Cain and Seth?
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Did Cain marry Seth?

No, Cain did not marry Seth. Him and Seth were actually brothers.

Who were Seth and Cain?

Seth and Cain were brothers, children of Adam.

Is Noah a descendant of Cain abel seth or shem?


What do Cain Able and Seth represent?

Cain, Abel and Seth represent themselves. They were the first three children of the world. Adam and Eve were never children.

Who is the nephew of Cain?

Ion. Enosh is the son of Seth and would therefore be Cain's nephew.

What happened to seth?

What do you mean -- "What happened to him?". The Bible clearly says that he lived nine hundred and some odd years and then he died. It says who his descendents were and indeed Noah from whom all the world is descended came from the lineage of Seth. In that sense all humanity is descended from Seth and so your better question would be "what happened to Cain and Abel?" Does this help?

Who was Cain's nephew?

Enos, son of Abel's younger brother Seth, was Abel's nephew. Cain had already slain Abel by the time Seth was born.

What was Adam and Eve's two sons?

Cain, Abel,and Seth were their sons,but Cain killed Abel out of jealousy.

Who was Seth's grandmother?

Seth had no grandmother. He was the 3rd son of Adam and Eve, born after Cain killed Abel.

Adam s sons names?

Cain, Able, and Seth

What happened to Cain Abel and Seth?

Cain moved away married and had many children. I think the place he moved to was called the land of Nod? Non Canonical Books say that Cain was accidentally killed in a hunting accident. The Flood probably killed all of Cain's Decendents unless any of the three women Noah chose as wives for His Sons Shem, Ham and Japeth Were descendants of Cain but I doubt it. The Bible just says that "Noah chose three women to be wives for his three sons" Abel, I hope is asleep waiting to be resurrected. Seth is in the Geneology of Jesus. I believe that the book of Luke traces Jesus' genealogy back through Seth to Adam. So Seth had children.

What were the names of Adam's and Eve's sons?

Cain.Genesis 4:1"Now the man had marital relations with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. Then she said, "I have created a man just as the Lord did!" Then she gave birth to his brother Abel. Abel took care of the flocks, while Cain cultivated the ground."The firstborn was Cain