Stephen Jerzak's music is electro-pop/acoustic pop
Half Polish half Italian. (Jerzak is Polish last name).
he is 18 as of may 5th.
No, Stephen and the lead singer of never shout never dislike eachother.
Stephen Pollak is 6' 2".
His exact birthday is not publicly known, but he was born in 1993.
Stephen's song King is on his new EP Smile, Happy Looks Goon On You.
The Perfect Measure The Ready Set Stephen Jerzak Plug In Stereo Carter Hulsey These are all the same style. Carter Hulsey is a little different though. I also like Mumford and Sons, but they aren't very similar.
Stephen Jerzak :)
No, he is dating a beautiful girl named Cassy Belliveau.
Indie (like The Ready Set, Larzz, Letters and Lights, Stephen Jerzak, Heyhihello!, Hello Astronaut, The Spin Room, and Eric Daugherty)