Following on from the bit where Esther attempts to kill Daniel twice, once in the tree house and the other in the hospital. Max (the deaf 3 year old girl) tells the doctors and the doctors come into the room just as Esther exits. Daniel is forced into a coma. Kate then slaps Esther outside because she believes she tried to kill Daniel, and then Kate is sedated. Esther goes home with John and Max that night.
Esther goes upstairs and cuts up her black dress to give it a more 'sexy' appearance and puts it on. Meanwhile, John gets a bottle of wine and pours it into a glass and starts drinking it on the couch. Esther then goes into the kitchen (offscreen) and brings out a platter of fruit, while she is holding a knife. She puts the knife and the platter onto the coffee table and starts talking to John. She says things like 'I love you Daddy' and John replies 'I love you too'. Then Esther attempts to seduce him but John totally shuts her down. John tells Esther to go upstairs so she does, taking the knife with her. Esther then shuts off the electricity, and John walks into her room calling her name. Esther appears out of the curtain and stabs him multiple times. Max sees this, and then runs away, Esther chasing her.
At the hospital, Kate wakes up from her sedation and receives and phone call from Saarne Institute's director, Dr. Värava, who tells her a terriftying secret. Esther isn't really a nine year old girl, she is actually a 33-year-old woman named Leena Klammer. She has hypopituitarism, a disorder that stunted her physical growth and has resulted in her spending most of her adult life posing as a little girl. Since escaping her asylum in Russia, Leena/Esther has made a habit of entering orphanages, being accepted into new families, attempting to seduce the father and then killing the entire family. As Dr. Värava is telling her this, it shows Leena/Esther sheds her ribbons on her neck and wrists to reveal scars. They are covered with injuries caused by a straitjacket, which the doctors at a mental home kept her in to keep her from harming them. She also has mostly developed breasts, an adult figure, and dentures to cover her hideous adult teeth.
Kate quickly drives home, to find John's body lying on the ground, dead. She gets extremely angry, and tries to find Max. She gets shot in the leg by Leena/Esther with a revolver she found. She eventually gets on top of the glass garden roof, and sees Max. Leena/Esther is trying to shoot max, but Kate stomps on the glass garden roof, causing it to break and she lands on top of Leena/Esther, who is knocked unconscious. Kate calls the police and then runs away from the house with Max. Leena/Esther wakes up, and chases them to a frozen pond, where Leena/Esther stabs Kate in the back. Max, who has the revolver, attempts to shoot Leena/Esther, but misses and hits the frozen lake, which breaks, causing Leena/Esther and Kate to fall through into freezing cold water. They eventually crawl out of the lake, through the hole and Leena/Esther begs for her life, saying 'Please don't hurt me, mommy.', while she holds a knife behind her back. Kate replies, 'I'm not your f**king mommy.' and then kicks Leena/Esther in the head, causing her neck to break.
The film ends with Kate and Max leaving the pond in a snowstorm. During the credits, brief bits and pieces of Leena's medical records from the Saarne institute are shown.
a couple who already have 2 children lose their first baby, so decide to adopt a child called Esther from an orphanage. Originally from germany, Esther seems sweet at first, but then starts behaving in a sinister manner. First, she pushes a girl down a slide, but then her little games get worse and she starts killing people. In the end, the couple discover Esther is not a child, but a 33 year old woman with dwarfism. After a fight in the house, Esther is killed
the little girl the orphan turns out to be this like midget Asian woman who is like in her 30's and she fights with the mom in the yard and then both fall threw the ice and at the end the mom kicks the orpahn ladie in the head and she drowns in the lake and then the mom and her daughter and son are safe but the orphan had killed her husband and the 2 kids dad :( because he wouldn't have sex with her.
hope that helped. that movie is good but crazy. the orphan girl is psycho.
Kate Coleman ( Vera Farmiga) and John Coleman ( Peter Sarsgaard) are two married coupled who are dealing with the loss of their baby. The loss is very hard on Kate ( Vera). Kate is also a drinker who is seeing help from a doctor. They have two children. A girl named Max who is deaf and a boy named Daniel. The two couple decide to adopt. They adopt a girl named: Ester. Everything is great until unsuspected murders and killings start to happen. After the killings, Kate triesonvince John that Ester is doing the killings. John doesn't believe her because of Ester's " Sass and Charm" and thinks that the speculation is from her drinking problem's. Ester keeps a book of weird pictures of people. Come to find out, the pictures are from victims who she killed in the past. Anyways to make a long story short, Kate does research on Ester to see who she really is. Kate calls the orphanage where she comes from and they have no record of her being there. She calls the orphanage and the man tells her that the orphanage called is not a kids orphaned it's for grownups who have mental issues. Ester is dangerous. Ester is not really " sweet" 9 year old girl. Ester is a 33 year old women. She has a hormone disease that makes her short. No growth development. Ester kills John and tries tokill Daniel. Ester amd Kate fight at the end of the movie. Kate, with all her force, kick Ester in the face and cracks her neck. Ester supposedly dies but is she really dead?
What happened at the end of the movie was Freak died of a disease and Well The fair Gwen of heir moved away i was crying for all of it
Tessie is the orphan that says 'Oh my goodness' in the movie Annie. I am pretty sure she has blonde hair in the movie.
Because kate was a drunk she didn't watch the children well and they used to play by the pond. One day Max fell in and almost died.
as far as i know, your think of the movie "august rush"
No she got killed by the mother in the end. The son is at hospital who survives and the girl was with the mother at the end.
What happened to Meryt's parents in the book of orphan of the sun??!!
The main character in the movie Annie was an orphan.
what happens on the end of the movie pressed
a movie about a new female doctor and orphan house.
They reveal the secret to the trick. His twin comes out at the end of the movie.
the horror/thriller/suspense movie orphan comes out July 24, 2009
The movie orphan is rated R for violence, language, and sexual content
Jimmy Bennett plays Daniel in Orphan.
What happened at the end of the movie was Freak died of a disease and Well The fair Gwen of heir moved away i was crying for all of it
The Orphan like kills the kid, that's what I saw on the commercial.???
the name in the movie orphan as (Esther) her name is Isabelle Fuhman