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"Wizards Are Real And The Potion To It Is If You Believe Really Are One." "Or You Can Visit Your Local Book Store And Ask The Librarian If They Have A "Magic Book Of Potions" Or A "Book About Wizards"

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Potions have nothing to do with Animagus transformation, and therefore, nothing.

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βˆ™ 4y ago
THERE is a potion learn to look at the official website Wizarding World

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In real life no. In the Harry Potter world, yes.

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βˆ™ 3y ago


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βˆ™ 4y ago

There is a potion

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Q: What goes into the potion to become an Animagus?
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Related questions

What are the words to the animagus spell?

There actually is no Animagus spell. It is never actually told how to become an Animagus, so thus no one will be able to answer your question. Sorry.

If someone drinks an animagus' polyjuice potion will they be able to turn into an animal?

when jk Rowling wrote the books, there was never a mention of an animagus polyjuice potion. however, in the second book, it does state that when you use the pollyjuice potion, you cannot try to turn yourself into an animal, or else something will go totally wrong. Hermione learned this the hard way when she accidentaly put cat hair in the potion instead of the girl's. she got stuck in a half cat, half human state and it took forever for her to recover.

Does James and Sirius have to take a potion to be an Animagus?

No. Through a series of extremely complicated and difficult spells, they managed to turn themselves into animagi, who are normally born that way.

What is the potion to become a fairy with wings?

There is no potion but go on ehow and type it in and it will tell you

What year did the marauders become animagus?

In POA it states that in there fifth year they worked it out.

How did Sirius Black turn into a grim?

A wizard becomes an Animagus drinking some unknown potion or casting an unknown spell. The Animagus (animal) form is determined by personality traits of the wizard in question. So, Sirus Black's personality must share some traits with "The Grim" or at least a large dog which bears a passing resemblance to a Grim.

What is it called when Sirius Black changes into a dog?

Sirius Black transforms into a dog using the Animagus transformation. His Animagus form is a black dog and he is known as Padfoot.

Who turns out to be an unregistered Animagus in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

Rita Skeeter, the reporter. Her Animagus form is a beetle

Is there a potion that turns you into a lion?

No, there is no potion that can turn you into a lion. Such transformations are not possible in reality, as it goes beyond the realm of scientific possibility.

Was George Weasley an Animagus?

No, he isn't.

What Animagus is Rita Skeeter?

a beetle

Does the Animagus form have any relation to the Patronus form?

We do not know. Professor McGonagall's Animagus form is a cat, as is her Patronus (we see that near the end of book 7). However, of the Animagi we know about (James, Wormtail, Sirius, McGonagall, Skeeter), McGonagall is the only one whose Patronus we see. However J.K. Rowling told us that James' patronus is also a Stag.We do learn that a Patronus can change, as Tonks' is reported to do, as a result of life events, but we are led to believe, by the requirements of registration at the Ministry, that the Animagus form does not.It can only be a guess, but it seems likely that both the Animagus form and the Patronus form are set by the person's personality at the time of casting the spell, and the Patronus can change as the person changes, but the Animagus spell, that creates the Animagus, is cast only once. So: If Harry, in his third year, had been skillful enough to cast the Animagus spell, we can guess that his Animagus would be a stag; however, after he settled down with Ginny, his Patronus could change to be something more fiery, like a fox or a dragon, but his Animagus would remain unchanged, having a relationship to who he had been rather than who he had become.