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A tall tale.

(or, a lie)

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Q: What genre is a story so exaggerated it could not be true?
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Is legend a true story?

No. A legend is a story that is believed to of happened. It could possibly be true, but most of the time legends are exaggerated as they are passed down from generation to generation.

Is John Henry a true story?

I think that true,any stroy has something exaggerated,but we cannot say it is not true.

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Is the movie Up in the air a true story? was based on a book that was based on an exaggerated life story

Was the movie boys don't cry based on a true story?

Yes, it was based on a true story. Some parts are exaggerated but apart from that it is a true story.

Is mr selfridge a true story?

In theory, it is a true story. The show is based on the life of Harry Gordon Selfridge, who founded the Selfridges. Some of the show is true, while other parts are exaggerated.

What genre is inspired by a true story called?

A genre inspired by a true story is typically called historical fiction or biographical fiction. These genres blend real-life events or individuals with fictional elements to create a compelling narrative.

What movie was boyz n the hood based on?

yes it as based on a true story it was based on true events that happened some parts are exaggerated but overall it is all based on true events !

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you could answer it like: what a very true story that is.

Is likely that made up or exaggerated the famous story of john smith and Pocahontas?

It is true. although not every little thing in the Walt disney is true of course! but in the us history tale it is all true!

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