In the movie "A Perfect World", Kevin Costner plays Robert "Butch" Haynes, an escaped convict on the run with Jerry Pugh who is played by Keith Szarabajka. After stumbling into a house where 8 year old Phillip Perry ( played by T.J. Lowther) lives, they take him hostage. Butch pretty much allows Phillip to do as he pleases and one of the things he does is wear a "Casper the Friendly Ghost" costume that has been stolen. During one of their schemes, Phillip shoots Butch to stop him from killing someone and runs away afraid.
Kevin Costner has 7 children
Kevin Costner was born on January 18, 1955
Kevin Costner played the corpse in the Big Chill. His scenes were edited out.
Dan Costner
Mr Costner plays with his band that goes by the name 'Kevin Costner and Modern West'. You can read more about them, below.
Kevin Costner has 7 children
Kevin Costner is a/an Actor,filmmaker
Yes, Kevin Costner has 7 kids.
Kevin Costner has 7 children
Kevin Costner was born on January 18, 1955.
Kevin Costner was born on January 18, 1955
Kevin Costner was born on January 18, 1955
Kevin Costner played the corpse in the Big Chill. His scenes were edited out.
Dan Costner
Mr Costner plays with his band that goes by the name 'Kevin Costner and Modern West'. You can read more about them, below.
Yes, Kevin Costner played Robin Hood.
Kevin Costner is like 6'2'' I think. Not sure about weight though..... sorry