there were alot of popular singers in 1996, like billie joe Armstrong
Steve Irwin.
he was 73 (1923-1996).
Kresimir Golik died on September 20, 1996, in Zagreb, Croatia.
Terence O'Neill died on June 12, 1990 at the age of 75.
I Famous person that "died" at age 25 is Tupac he was killed by someone.. He got killed in Los Vegas 1996
What famous person died in 1957
Hmmm Not Really Sureee xxxx
Tupac Shakur
Yes, Selena was a famous person in Mexico before she died.
Me ..!
the famous person who died from the yellow fever is James
Salavador Dali
Steve Irwin.
Patrick reardon is a hottie with a swimmers body ♥