Celebrities who were born on October 10 include:
Maggie Elizabeth Jones (actress) - born 2003
Geno Smith (NFL QB) - born 1990
Mario Lopez (TV host) - born 1973
Una Healy (singer, presenter) - born 1981
Dale Earnhardt Jr. (race driver, famous son) - born 1974
Brett Favre (NFL QB) - born 1969
David Lee Roth (singer) - born 1954
Gary Beach (stage actor) - born 1947
Ben Vereen (singer, actor) - born 1946
Charles Dance (UK actor) - born 1946
Peter Coyote (actor) - born 1941
Historically, October 10 was the birthday of :
Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer (1813-1901)
Fridtjof Nansen, polar explorer (1861-1930)
Helen Hayes, actress (1900-1993)
Ed Wood, author and director (1924-1978)
Harold Pinter, playwright (1930-2008)
Chris Penn, actor and famous brother (1965-2006)
A few celebrities that were born on October 21st are Amber Rose, Judge Judy, and Carrie Fisher.
I was born on August 11, 1978...but I'm not famous...
Matthew Bomer was born on October 11, 1977.
Fynn Henkel was born on October 11, 1996.
Josien Galama was born on October 11, 1987, in Noordoostpolder.
I was born on August 11, 1978...but I'm not famous...
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884
Joss Stone
learnardo DiCaprio in 1974! :)
October 11, 1948 October 11, 1948 October 11, 1948
she will be 11 because we were born on the same day october 31,2000 (shouldn't i be famous too!)
Emily Deschanel was born on October 11, 1976
Jane Krakowski was born on October 11, 1968
october 11
Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884
Doona Bae was born on October 11, 1979, in Seoul, South Korea.