Celebrities born on January 12 include:
Nathan Gamble (film actor) - born 1998
Zayn Malik (pop singer) - born 1993
Jeremy Camp (Christian musician) - born 1978
Rob Zombie (musician, filmmaker) - born 1965
Oliver Platt (actor) - born 1960
Howard Stern (radio and TV personality) - born 1954
Kirstie Alley (actress) - born 1951
Rush Limbaugh (radio commentator) - born 1951
Des O'Connor (UK TV host) - born 1932
Historically, January 12 was the birthday of :
Edmund Burke, Irish academic (1729-1797)
John Singer Sargent, US artist (1856-1925)
Jack London, author (1876-1916)
Mikhail Gurevich, Russian aircraft designer (1893-1976)
Tex Ritter, cowboy singer and famous father (1904-1974)
Joe Frazier, heavyweight boxing champ (1944-2011)
marisa tomei
franciso franco
eric raymond
lila McCann
jozef sabovcik
dennis wilson
Nishit Shetty
Jeff Bridges
Anthony van Dyck was born on March 22, 1599.
Lauralee Bell was born on December 22, 1968.
Here are some famous people with December 22 birthdays:Child actress G. Hannelius (Genevieve Hannelius, born 1998)Singer Ali Lohan (Alianna Lohan, born 1993, sister of Lindsey Lohan)Singer Jordin Sparks (born 1989)Actor Ray Fiennes (born 1962)Music promoter Luther Campbell (born 1960)Journalist Diane Sawyer (born 1945)Baseball players Matty Alou (1938), Steve Carlton (1944), and Steve Garvey (1948)Actor Hector Elizondo (born 1936)
Annina Ucatis was born on December 22, 1978, in Bremerhaven, Germany.
Dmitri Egorov was born on December 22, 1869.
People born from December 22- January 20 are Capricorns.
Mark Gerald Maneja
Her birthday is on the 22 of December 1989.
Remy Thorne was born on December 22, 1995.
Ali Lohan was born on December 22, 1993
Barbara Billingsley was born on December 22, 1915.
Anthony van Dyck was born on March 22, 1599.
Matt Jones played in theNFL he was born April 22. also Andrew Jones was a baseball player he was born April 22.
Genevieve ( "G" ) Hannelius was born on December 22, 1998 .Her birthday is December 22 .
It depends on what time of the month you were born. If you were born on or before December 21, you are a Sagittarius. If you were born after December 21, you are a Capricorn.Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Lauralee Bell was born on December 22, 1968.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21).