Diana acaba de hablar con Elena.
Elena Săcălici died in 1959.
No, Elena Gilbert is not single.
Elena Fabri was born on December 1, 1971, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Elena Evangelo was born in New York City, in New York, USA.
Ivania Elena was born on July 12, 1975, in Portugal.
For girls: Nirvana, Diana, Elena, Emma, Brooke. For boys: Ethan, Damon, Jack, Jimmy, Adam.
The cast of Per amore del mio popolo - 2014 includes: Elena Cucci as Elena Alessandro Preziosi as don Diana Federico Torre as Peppino
The cast of MJs Secret - 2010 includes: Taina Elena as Jasmine Haaron Hines as Hines Diana Suko as Kim
The cast of Sleep Awake - 2012 includes: Radu Craciun as Ilie Miriam Rizea as Diana Elena Vasilache as Fata
The cast of Movidas chuecas - 1992 includes: Martha Elena Cervantes Judy Ponte Guillermo Rivas Diana Torres
The cast of Prjatki - 2012 includes: Olga Grishina Anton Kiseljus Aleksandr Kuchmezov Diana Rogozhina Igor Savochkin Elena Tarasenko
The cast of La sombra de Safo - 1957 includes: Juan Carlos Barbieri as Enrique Nelly Cobella as Amiga de Elena Pablo Cumo Roberto Escalada as Raul de Salcedo Ana Gryn as Amiga de Selva Pedro Laxalt as Dr.Salinas Diana Maggi as Diana Enrique Mario Francini as Director de orquesta Pascual Nacarati Mecha Ortiz as Selva Moreno - Safo Hilda Rey as Elena Elsa Rivas as Cantante Sarita Rudoy as Amiga 2 de Elena
Elena, sometimes called (and sung of) as Maria Elena, was the second Queen of Italy. She married Victor Immanuel II and when Umberto ( Humbert) was assasinated, she became Queen of Italy, her husband the King. Elena was of Montenegrin ancestry and converted to Roman Catholicism. Other than that, she was a tall and beautiful woman and on the style more of Sophia Loren than the Rose of Fair Italy. At all events she was a popular monarch, as the song indicates. Elena died in l952 and somewhat oddly was buried in Montpelier in France. Is this the Elena you seek?
The cast of La bestia acorralada - 1975 includes: Manuel Cepeda Lucy Gallardo as Elena Diana Torres Marcelo Villamil
The cast of El diskette - 2001 includes: Elena Kusina as Carmen Olga Margallo as Diana Pilar Margallo as Pili Yolanda Monreal
The cast of Todos los caminos van a Anexas - 1971 includes: Diana Mariscal Octavio Tirado Elena Zetina
...Elena never had children.