the shuttle drops from the fingers of the weaver and falls into iron fingers that ply it faster
plan a boycott or a strike -apex
textile mills
I'm almost sure Lin, like all the other female workers in the bath house, was the spirit of a slug. Likewise, all the male workers are the spirits of frogs.
After the loyalty boards were created hundreds of federal workers lost their jobs while thousands more resigned.
Some machines had a negative effect on the lives of workers. More machinery meant less was done by hand, which meant that fewer workers were needed. Of course machinery also made some jobs easier for workers. Although some jobs went away, others were created.
The machines did mostly their work and made workers loose their jobs.
skilled workers
Workers machines
Skilled workers
machines and transportation innovations made everything go faster. machines in the workplace changed everything skilled craftsmen became obsolete machines could make things better faster driving prices low product output increased in order to keep up business owners made workers work set hours(often long) but paid very little. many machines replaced workers so if someone didn't want to work there was someone to take his or her place
skilled workers
Some machines had a negative affect on the lives of workers. More machinery meant less was done by hand which meant that less workers were needed. Of course machinery also made some jobs easier for workers.
machines and workers.
Females replaced them.
Because many workers lost their jobs.