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Own a studio near Cambridge and still works as a sound/recording engineer.

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Q: What ever happened to Stephen Stewart of The Enid prog rock band?
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What is the name of Rod Stewart's post Beatles band?

Rod Stewart was never a Beatle. His band was the Faces.

Was rod Stewart in journey?

No, Rod Stewart was never in the band, Journey.

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Anne King is the current trumpet player in Rod Stewart's band.

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Stephen from the band, Love and Theft

What is Kristen Stewart's fave band?

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Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood were band mates in (the) Faces, as well as The Jeff Beck Group before that.

What has the author Stephen S Moore written?

Stephen S. Moore has written: 'The school band-book' 'The nursery school band'

Who plays violin in rod stewart's band?

Katja Rieckermann plays saxophone with Rod's band (about 8 years now) along with Jimmy Roberts.

Marc Stewart forver the sickest kids?

He left the band shortly after marrying Bonnie Stewart.

What band is Brad Stewart in?

Hes currently in FUEL

Who is supporting rod Stewart at Newbury?

a jazz band