you must be more specific. You're teacher probably gave you a document based question.
Casey Weldon was born on 1969-02-03.
Barbara Keon died in 1962, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
The cast of The Uncle Jimmy Weldon-Skipper Frank Show - 1977 includes: Skipper Frank Herman as Hemself - Host Jimmy Weldon as Himself - Host
Season3 - Gloria Weldon
julius Tiana McCorkle LIL jayjay anaya Weldon
James Weldon Johnson's birth name is James William Johnson.
James weldon johnson
No, James Weldon Johnson and his wife, Grace Nail Johnson did not have any children.
James Weldon Johnson College Prep was created in 2007.
William C. Weldon
William C. Weldon is the CEO of Johnson & Johnson.
James Weldon Johnson's parents were James Johnson, a waiter and chef, and Helen Louise Dillet, a schoolteacher.
The motto of James Weldon Johnson College Prep is 'In the spirit of excellence'.
James Weldon Johnson
James Weldon Johnson was famous for writting a song.