in normal naruto um what eposide is it
idk the eposodie but tunade healed rock lee
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ID1154128832 said-he drank to much
Just C. Urious said-I dont know who he is but the meaning of drunk is but it could mean.
-adjective1.being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink; intoxicated: The wine made him drunk.
2.overcome or dominated by a strong feeling or emotion: drunk with power; drunk with joy.
3.pertaining to or caused by intoxication or intoxicated persons.
verb6.past participle and nonstandard simple past tense of drink.
1300-50; Middle English drunken, Old English druncen, past participle of drincan to drink
-Related formshalf-drunk, adjective
un·drunk, adjective
1. drunken, inebriated.
1-3. sober.
-Usage note
Both drunk and drunken are used as modifiers before nouns naming persons: a drunk customer; a drunken merrymaker. Only drunk occurs after a linking verb: He was not drunk, just jovial. The actor was drunk with success. The modifier drunk in legal language describes a person whose blood contains more than the legally allowed percentage of alcohol: Drunk drivers go to jail. Drunken, not drunk, is almost always the form used with nouns that do not name persons: drunken arrogance; a drunken free-for-all. In such uses it normally has the sense "pertaining to, caused by, or marked by intoxication." Drunken is also idiomatic in such expressions as drunken bum. See also drink.
Rock Lee goes into surgery in a flashback in episode 123.
In episode 123-124
He has flashbacks during his battle with Gaara which i believe is episodes 47-50
Rock Lee can open Six chakra gates. Rock Lee is not capable of opening all chakra gates. When Rock Lee was fighting Gaara, Kakashi asked Might Guy how many gates he had got up to. Guy said he was up to five gates. Now that he has trained during time-skip, Rock Lee can probably open the sixth chakra gate now.
He appeared in 15 episodes 1985-1986.