Duncan has to kiss heather in the episode called The Sand Witch Project. It's Horror movie week and in every horror movie a couple has to make out.
No. All of the competitors are 16-years old.
In U.S. version of The Very Last Episode, Really! Gwen loses but soon she and Trent get back together.
Total Drama Island season 3 is actually called Total Drama Musical and the contestants are Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Heather, Izzy(E-scope), Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Trent, Tyler, and last but definatly not least, my favorite,.........HAROLD!!!!
not doing her dare
yes that is the episode he gets voted off
She pulls Gwens skirt off when Gwen was rock climbing.
No. All of the competitors are 16-years old.
In U.S. version of The Very Last Episode, Really! Gwen loses but soon she and Trent get back together.
duncan-bridgette-geoff-Gwen-Trent-Owen-izzy-Harold-leshawna-heather-Lindsay-Beth-Justin-d.j.-and possibly Courtney but im not sure.go to www.cakeentertainment.com to see the total drama action/total drama island season 2 trailor.
You could tally the last episode as "The Last Episode, Really!", or the one hour special, called "Total Drama Drama Drama Island". -Carla520
in the 3rd or 4th episode
there will be 15 campers on total drama the musical the girls are Bridgette,Courtney,Gwen,Heather,Izzy,Leshawna,and Lindsay the boys are Cody,D.J.,Duncan,Geoff,Harold,Noah,Trent and Tyler yes
the contestants on total drama action are duncan,Gwen,Owen,heather,Lindsay,Beth,izzy,leshawna,Trent,geoff,bridgette,Justin,dj,Harold,and possibly Courtney but im not so sure about her.
Rachel Wilson