Yes he did, his book Dancing the Dream contains some of his work.
GO to tubeplus just write full house tubeplus the episode is dj grows up for sure of it good luck...
write poetry, dance, have fun
it all starts with putting yourself out there. i know, because i do this ;). first, put yourself out there, and let people know you write. your not gonna get your biggest lyrical hit the first time. write for some bands, write poetry and put it around, help people with their problems and write poems for them. get the word around. all it takes is times, and patience.
His name is spelled Rolland, not Roland, which is probably why you have not been able to find anything on him. I note that he is a poet and seems to have retired from broadcast television to write poetry and work on documentaries.
poetry is something that you write
Yes. William Morris did write poetry in his spare time.
children's poetry and he started with funny poetry
poets write poetry.
Yes he did, he wrote Sonnets which are considered poetry.
no only for poetry
No, it's just a sterotype, I have a girlfriend I write some poetry.
They knew how to write and yes ,yes they did.
You can get paid to write but only if it is published.
did Langston hughes write plays,stories and poetry about a black life
He did not write any haiku or limericks.
that is so easy . he wants to write