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Q: What episode of Charmed do Phoebe and Cole get married?
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Does phoebe from charmed get married?

Phoebe from Charmed was married to Cole in the series.

Are Cole and Phoebe from charmed really married?

Of course not, silly

What episode of charmed does prue and cole kiss?

There isn't an episode where Prue & Cole kiss. Prue is basically repulsed by Cole & Cole & Phoebe are madly in love.

What is the episode where phoebe vanquishes cole in charmed?

either season 4 episode 20 or season 5 episode 12

In charmed what is the episode called where cole locks pheobe in his appartment and switchs her with a demon?

The Importance of Being Phoebe. Season 5.

Which episode of Charmed has past present and future Phebe?

season 4 "the three faces of phoebe". she is trying to decide whether she should marry cole or not.

Who is phoebe dating on charmed?

She dates a lot of people mortals and Cole and the Cupid was her true love

What are phoebe from charmed kids called?

The children of Phoebe Halliwell in the TV show "Charmed" are named Chris and Melinda. Chris is the son of Phoebe and her Whitelighter, while Melinda is the daughter of Phoebe and her ex-husband Cole.

What episode of charmed season 3 does cole coedroomme backvin through the tv in phoebes bedroom?

Why Did Charmed In? Is It Coming Back? Does Alyssa,Holly,And Rose Keep In Touch Does Alyssa And Rose Have Kids/Married? Did Holly Really Marry Charmed Husband Leo? Why Did Julian/Cole Quite Charmed? I Want Alyssa Rose And Holly To Do Another Movie Together it does not have to be charmed i love charmed its awesome

When is Cole in charmed?

Cole, aka Julian McMahon, is in charmed season 3-5 and one episode of season seven titled "The Seven Year Witch"

In what episode of charmed is cole killed?

Cole stirbt nicht er ist nur gefangen in einer Zwischenwelt

In Charmed Who killed Cole in Season 5?

Cole went into another world where he and Phoebe are still together. But even though he loved her she diddent love him. Paige from the real world came and helped Phoebe and Piper kill him.