In "The Slumber Party"Pearl and her friends think Spongebob is dressed like a girl.
It isactuallya different sponge because we see her run in front of the boat that Mr. Krabs and Spongebob are in.
Spongebob thinks she is ugly.
A girl who complains about everything and dresses like a bimbo.
i cannot be certain why this happened, but i am assuming that the Sponge Bob Square pants episode you are referring to may have been issued on a separate DVD, like Fox did with the Family Guy episode entitled Blue Harvest. perhaps you could consult the website (s) printed on any Sponge bob dvds that you may have. failing that, type in sponge bob square pants & do a web search for the information that you are seeking.
They're made of natural sea sponge, while Spongebob was made to look like a synthetic dish sponge.
it is about a sea sponge named spongebob squarepants it is on nickelodion spongebob is a friendly sponge who is an adult but acts a lot like a 6 year old kid
He is a sea Sponge. Since he's a Cartoon he looks more like a kitchen sponge
Retail stores like Target sell girl dresses that are on sale daily. They have a variety range of catalog selections for girl dresses. Other retail stores like Sears also sell discounted girl dresses.
where make-up and dresses,and girl clothes and stuff
Izzy Hilton is openly a boy, but dresses like a girl. =]
If you don't wear dresses you could still like Justin bieber. i HATE dresses and i LOVE Justin bieber.
A boy that dresses like a girl
A girl who complains about everything and dresses like a bimbo.
he doesnt like a girl to have a bad attitude but he loves it when she dresses nicely (:
Spongebob is a boy. If you have watched the episode where Patrick dresses up like a girl, to make sure he doesn't move out of town, everyone believes Patrick and Spongebob are dating. Thus Spongebob is in fact a boy.
Yeah he just dresses like a girl :)
there's no Roger character in Gone with the Wind.
episode 32 or 33 or 34