As of the December 04th 2016 episode, either deliberately or accidentally ...
loser you are
You Only Move Twice
The episode name is 'Bart After Dark'. It is the 5th episode in the eight season. It was first aired on November 24th 1996.
He's allergic to shrimp. In one episode, Bart taunts him with a shrimp on a stick.
bart simpson
The charictoristics of bart simpson are... he's a pain in the butt he skates on his skateboard naked
There are no "authors" when it comes to Bart Simpson. The writers give Bart purpose in whatever the episode's plot is about.
Episode 3, Season 20.
Bart the General is fifth episode of The Simpsons.
The name of the episode was "The Haw-Hawed Couple"
he does any dare even the naked skate in the simpsons movie
nothing. if you watched the episode you will find hugo (the brother) is not the evil twin bart is.
The episode of the simpsons entitled "I Married Marge" in season 3.
loser you are
Bart has 2 sisters, Lisa Marie Simpson and Margaret "Maggie" Simpson.
because then it is interesting. Honestly, i have no idea. but i do know that a woman does Bart's voice
"Marge Be Not Proud" , 11th episode from the 7th season .