if ur on about when she says! "ya sure of course"" its achy jakey heart. peace!!!!!!x*x
Season 1 episode 22 at around 10 minutes into the episode.
Hannah Montana, is a FICTIONAL character. The character, was born in Nashville, Tenesse, but now lives in Malibu, California, USA. The actress that plays Hanna Montana, Miley Cyrus, lives in Los Angeles, USA. Well, the character Hannah Montana (from the show) lives in Malibu, but Miley Cyrus, (the girl who acts as Hannah Montana) currently lives in Los Angeles, California and has a house in Nashville, Tennessee.
It doesn't. Miley Cyrus is credited with playing Luann Stewart, as well as her usual roles of Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana.
miley Stewart/Hannah Montana lilly truscott/lola luftangle oliver oken Jackson Stewart robbie Stewart rico that's all i can think of
Miley Cyrus, daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus is a pop, country, and rockstar singer. She is also Hannah Montana. She has won many awards and has her own clothing line. She also has her own show, "Hannah Montana" on Disney Channel. She even made a movie called "Hannah Montana: The Movie"
"o say can you remember the words"
The episode is called "O Say, Can You Remember The Words?"
depends, there are rumors that she commited suicide and others say its a lie.
They will still show episodes but they will not make any new episodes from now on. They are ending season 4 of Hannah Montana Forever soon by showing the season finale. :(
to say Hannah it's "hannahsan" srry but idk about Montana
Season 1 episode 22 at around 10 minutes into the episode.
As a former Hannah Montana Fan... I would say NO !
I'm not Hannah Montana... So i couldn't say...
I think they are a close call but i have to say Hannah Montana is funnier
Hannah Montana loves everyone...don't you hear her say that at the end of all the concerts?
Hannah Montana is not real, Miley Cyrus plays Hannah Montana and she stops doing Hannah Montana. The actual Miley Cyrus is singing now. So you can't say how Hannah Montana cause she's not real.
I didn't say I do.