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No, Neji is dead, i just dont know what episode

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I think it's episode 364 of Shippuden.

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Q: What episode does Neji die?
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What episode of naruto does Neji fight kidomaru?

~Kimimaro dies in episode 127

What episode does Naruto fight Neji?

Neji fights Naruto from episodes 60-62. Neji tells Naruto his past, and i have to say, it very deep (;D). As a bonus to your question, he is in episodes 22-25, then briefly in episode 27. Also in: 33-34 and they show him in 37. From episode 38-50 they show him and he speaks a little, and in episodes 46 and 47 he fights Hinata.

Does Neji get jealous when tenten hangs around other guys?

Neji is jealous when Tenten hangs out with other boys like Lee. He is jealous becoz he loves tenten so much. Theres an episode of naruto shippuden but I forgot what episode it is, In that episode Tenten asked Lee if they could go to Ichiraku Ramen Shop, Neji heard it and said Hmph! and he walked away!(I think) and I have a club and Im Tenten and My Crush is Neji! Its called true love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did Neji die?

neji didnt die yet in part 1 of naruto saskue retrivel arc he was close to death from fighting one of the sound ninja but he did not die As of December 2012, Neji was killed protecting Hinata and Naruto from the Juubi.

What epispde on naruto did they birng byakugan back?

If you're referring to the episode in which Neji is chosen to bring back Hinata from the Cloud shinobi, that is episode 192 in Naruto Shippuden. But if you're talking about the episode where Hiashi tells Neji the truth about his father in which Hiashi himself catches a Cloud shinobi and has to kill that ninja, that is episode 63.

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What episode of naruto does Neji learn sharingan?

Neji doesnt have Sharingan

What episode does Tenten train with Neji?

On episode 59, you see Tenten training with Neji for like 4 seconds that all I found.

Which episode is Neji and Hinata with on?

ep 30

What episode of naruto does Neji fight kidomaru?

~Kimimaro dies in episode 127

What episode does Neji fight Kimimaru?

neji doesn't fight kimimaru. lee does... in a very weird way... a sake way.... you have to watch the episode yourself... oh yea gaara is in it too..

Which episode does Neji catch tenten?

In naruto shippuden episode 14: water prison scene

In which episodes does Hinata fight Neji?

they fight episode 46 - 47

What episode does Neji get healed?

I think you are after epi 135 (part 1)

Why in one episode does tenten and Neji have roses in the background and tenten looks happy but Neji doesnt?

Oh, it was in this one episode where they were talking to this guy and Tenten thought they were going to get extra pay so she was all happy.

What episode does Naruto fight Neji?

Neji fights Naruto from episodes 60-62. Neji tells Naruto his past, and i have to say, it very deep (;D). As a bonus to your question, he is in episodes 22-25, then briefly in episode 27. Also in: 33-34 and they show him in 37. From episode 38-50 they show him and he speaks a little, and in episodes 46 and 47 he fights Hinata.

Does Neji get jealous when tenten hangs around other guys?

Neji is jealous when Tenten hangs out with other boys like Lee. He is jealous becoz he loves tenten so much. Theres an episode of naruto shippuden but I forgot what episode it is, In that episode Tenten asked Lee if they could go to Ichiraku Ramen Shop, Neji heard it and said Hmph! and he walked away!(I think) and I have a club and Im Tenten and My Crush is Neji! Its called true love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did Neji die?

neji didnt die yet in part 1 of naruto saskue retrivel arc he was close to death from fighting one of the sound ninja but he did not die As of December 2012, Neji was killed protecting Hinata and Naruto from the Juubi.