actually its episode 331 "All Torkoal, No Play"
Yes, meowth tickles his sides in the episode all fired up
It's true they did kiss in episode ' 357 Kiss under the mistletoe' but parents complained and it got banned if it never been banned advanceshipping would have been in a lead againts all others Ash also kissed other girls named Melody and Bianca
Misty has a crush on Ash. Misty will not leave Ash alone. I think Ash should marry Misty, besides I find Misty hot, and Ash is the main character of the series. However Misty is hot and has 2 best friends her Togepi and Ash. Misty is not just hot, she is also good-looking. I don't know what episode of Pokemon Ash kissed Misty, even if someone else knows what episode Ash and Misty kissed, besides I watched all the episodes of this series first season, and ton of episodes from the other TV seasons when Misty was with Ash.
As far as I know, never. He meets Lance at episode 237 and 238, but he battles him in the hoenn league gaining groudon after all the kyogre and groudon problems are solved and team aqua and magma retreat and then ash and lance battle on the beach Lance's Poke'mon:Red Gyarados Lv.? Dragonite Lv.? Ash's Poke'mon:Pikachu Lv.? Sceptile Lv.? Hopethis helped :D
ash does not face lance at all
pokemon master
actually its episode 331 "All Torkoal, No Play"
it is episode 76
Episode 1 of Season 10 OR if your counting all of the episodes of Pokemon Episode 467
you catch all of his Pokemon and raise them
episode 407 (episode 40 on advanced battle) the episode is called the right place and the right mime
Ash doesnt really want to kill you. He just wants to catch all the pokemon.
he is the main character so he's in all of them!
I don't think Dawn will ever kiss Ash nor Ash will kiss Dawn. They're just friends that's all.
Ash never Catches a legendary Pokemon no body does unless the regi's are legendary because the battle pyramid guy has all 3 Reggi's (rigrock registeel and regice) he has pikachu,gliscore,staravia
The name of the episode in which Ash enters the Indigo Pokémon League is "All Fired Up" however his first battle in the Indigo Pokémon League is in the episode which is titled "Round One - Begin!"